During the final battle with Enter, the Go-Busters perform a finisher known as the Volcanick All Busters Attack ( ボルカニックオールバスターズアタック, Borukanikku Ōru Basutāzu Atakku) which is an enhanced version of Red Buster's Volcanick Attack. Though their Anti-Metavirus program also gives them a crippling weakness called a Weakpoint ( ウイークポイント, Uīkupointo), Hiromu theorized it to be a necessary for them to work together as a team. These children were then trained to become spies for the Energy Management Center's Special Operations Unit, and now fight Vaglass as the primary members of the Go-Busters. To prevent Messiah's return as well as looking for a way to uproot the threat, three children who so happened to be around when the freak accident happened were installed with an Anti-Metavirus program that gives them each both a unique Super Power ( 超パワー, Chō Pawā) and enabled them to be safely teleported away when the Transport Research Center is sent into subspace. Thirteen years prior to the events of the series, a freak accident caused a computer virus to evolve into the entity known as Messiah who went on to create Vaglass before being trapped in subspace. Their base of operations is 70 meters underground, modeled after an ant hill, with passages to any part of the city. Its Special Operations Unit ( 特命部, Tokumeibu) employs the series' protagonists the Go-Busters ( ゴーバスターズ, Gōbasutāzu) in their fight to keep the fictional energy source known as the Enetron ( エネトロン, Enetoron) safe from the evil Vaglass group.
#Omega delta 3vs tank buster series
The Energy Management Center ( エネルギー管理局, Enerugī Kanrikyoku) is a fictional organization that appears in the 36th Super Sentai Series Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters.

The Go-Busters: (from left to right) Stag Buster, Beet Buster, Blue Buster, Red Buster, and Yellow Buster.